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How healthy is it to keep a beard?

by Tanupreet Kaur 11 Nov 2024 0 Comments
How healthy is it to keep a beard?

Beard has become a trending way to express yourself. But beyond aesthetics, how healthy is it to grow one? Dave Harvey, a dermatologist and Mohs surgeon, explains, “It's good protection against wind, chafing, and traumatic injury. It's also a trend, so we see a lot of men with some form of facial hair.” Word!

Let's dig a little deeper and see to what extent your beard can be healthy for you!

Guardian Angel Against Scorching Summers & Freezing Winters

A beard is a natural barrier against harmful UV rays, blocking up to 95% of the radiation. Significantly, reducing the risk of sunburn, skin damage, or even skin cancer, especially for those with sensitive skin, according to a study by the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology’s study. While some sneaky rays might slip through, your beard scatters them, minimizing their impact.

Pro Tip: Don’t toss your sunscreen just yet! Your beard is there, but it’s not invincible.

Interestingly, when the days get colder, your beard transforms into the coziest scarf you never knew you had. It brings you warmth by blocking cold, harsh winds and it traps the air closest to your skin, that warmthful one, as your personal insulator. Additionally, it retains moisture on your face by using the natural sebum oil produced by your sebaceous glands, keeping your skin hydrated when winter tries to suck it dry. 

Whether it is summer or winter, your beard helps you look younger and glowing than your peers - all year round!

Read More: 7 Scientifically-Backed Reasons Why You Should Grow A Beard

Natural Filter Keeping Unwanted Guests Away  

Your beard also serves as a natural filter, capturing dust and allergens before they can enter your respiratory system. According to The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, this filtering effect reduces the likelihood of allergies and asthma triggers. Woohoo! Did you know that?

Even, the density and length of your beard also matter -  the longer and thicker it is, the more effective your natural filtration system becomes. It’s like upgrading from a basic air purifier to a top-of-the-line model! 

Saving Time Today, Tomorrow And For Life

Did you know that the average man spends about 140 days shaving till turning 50ish? Whereas, maintaining a beard typically requires only about 35 days of care. This means you save approximately 105 days - equivalent to 6,300 hours - over a lifetime! Imagine all the hobbies or self-care routines you could indulge in with that extra time. 

Rizzing Up Overall Personality Sassy 

Beards aren’t just practical, they also enhance your attractiveness. Interestingly, both women and men perceive bearded men as more masculine, according to research by Evolution and Human Behaviour. It is basically a walking, talking (well, not literally) advertisement of your manliness.

Read More: How To Grow Beard Fast?

7 Healthy Ways To Grow And Maintain Your Beard

1. Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water offers many benefits, one of which is supporting beard growth and improving its health. 

2. Eat healthy: The easiest way to have a healthy beard is to keep track of your diet because what you intake, shows up on your face. Load up on proteins and vitamins to feed follicles.  

3. Exercise regularly: Hit the gym or exercise daily because every rep pumps blood to your face, stimulating healthy beard growth.

4. Chill with beard: Stressing too much leads to hair loss, affecting your beard growth too. Take a deep breath, meditate, or do whatever keeps you at peace and sanity. 

5. Pamper your beard: Treat your beard like royalty. Instead of using just any product, go for beard-specific products and experience the difference for yourself.

6. Pro beard styling: Trim your beard when it calls for it, because giving it a slight trim doesn’t do any harm rather removes split ends, supports beard growth, and gives symmetry to your beard. After trimming, use a beard styling pen for those crisp, clean lines, perfect edges with sleek look.

7. Easy beard regimen: You can just start with 2 beard care essentials, beard activator and beard oil. These are enough if you are just a beginner. They promote better, healthier, and fuller beard growth on the basic concept of stimulating and nourishing the hair follicles. The Beard Activator boosts beard growth, improves blood circulation, increases the collagen supply and ultimately leads to healthy beard growth with its micro-needles. On the other hand, beard growth oil for men repairs damaged hair follicles and promotes new and fast hair growth. Besides, they make it easy to manage your beard and enhance your overall bearded look.

Read More: How To Trim Your Beard With A Trimmer At Home? 

Pro Tip: Stop touching, picking, and scratching your beard whenever you like or disinfect your hands before doing so.

The Beard-dict: Healthy Or Not?

Growing a healthy beard is not less than adopting a pet - you have to love, care for and pay attention to it. Remember, with a healthy beard comes great responsibility. Whether you’re aiming for a subtle stubble or full-on bearded look - your beard, your rules. 

Understanding both, the benefits and responsibilities associated with facial hair is crucial. So, how healthy your beard will be depends on you more than anything else because it is not just a beard - it is the lifestyle you’re choosing for yourself!

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