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4 Last Minute Father’s Day Gifts for Practical Dads

by Siddharth Joshi 16 Jun 2022
4 Last Minute Father’s Day Gifts For Practical Dads

Do you remember your dad’s reaction when you gave him a gift last? If it was anything close to a polite ‘thank-you’ chances are your gift never got to spend much time with him after that.

Dads, like all men, are wired differently and you can’t blame them to be not as excited about a mug as your mom. They like things that can be put to real use, so think creatively, and feel free to use that mug you got him for father’s day. Use our Father’s Day Gift Ideas and thank us later. (Even if you don’t get him anything from here, please don’t give him that mug). 


1. Single Blade Razor 

Safety Razor


Give him a taste of his first shaving experience with a single blade razor, only safer. Bombay Shaving Company’s Precision Safety Razor is a sleek revisiting of the traditional razors of yore, with more style, a sturdier design and better safety features to avoid any nicks and cuts.

What’s even better is that you can now get the razor customized with a message of your choice written on its smooth metal handle. You can’t conjure up a better Father’s Day Gift than something tailored just for him.


Use Coupon Code FDAY15 for 15% off


2. 6-in-1 Premium Shaving Kit For Men

Shaving Kit


Let’s face it, dads are not the experimental types, when it involves buying something other than his traditional list of monthly essentials. This father’s day is your chance to upgrade his shaving ritual to a more wholesome experience with Bombay Shaving Company’s 6-in-1 Premium shaving Kit to prepare, lather, shave and restore the skin’s hydration after every shave.  


Use Coupon Code FDAY15 for 15% off

3. Charcoal Face Kit for Dad

Charcoal Facial Kit


Remember him telling you all the borrowed stories of childhood hardships where they used charcoal to clean their teeth? Well, the stories may have been borrowed and only for dramatic effect to make you listen to him, they were based on hard facts.

Activated charcoal has been established as one of the best natural cleansers in the market. Bombay Shaving Company is offering the ultimate skincare experience in a box with its exclusive Father’s Day Gift in the form of a Charcoal Facial Kit for Dad, including a charcoal face wash, charcoal face scrub, charcoal peel off mask and a charcoal face pack. You’ll be surprised how receptive this makes him just by virtue of the super ingredient ‘charcoal’.


Use Coupon Code FDAY15 for 15% off


4. Premium Men’s Beard Grooming Kit

Grooming Kit


If your dad is from the generation of original dudes who started the fad of styling beards, our heartfelt respect to the man! Give him a special father’s day gift box that celebrates his love for beards – Bombay Shaving Company’s Beard Grooming and Styling Kit with a charcoal face wash, beard oil, beard softener, trimming scissors, a wooden comb and a beard brush.


Use Coupon Code FDAY15 for 15% off

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