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6 Winter Shaving Tips All Men Should Know

by Faizaan Siddiqui 24 Nov 2023
6 Winter Shaving Tips All Men Should Know

During winters your skin is already susceptible to getting dry, sensitive and irritated. Especially for the parts that feel like the razor glides almost every week. A freshly shaved skin faces a hard time during these cold winter months. Unless, of course, you come prepared. With a few simple yet effective tweaks to your shaving routine, you can sail through the winters and maintain a smooth skin and comfortable shaves throughout the season. So let's take a look into how to make shaving a smoother experience and keep your skin happy and healthy, even on the days when Mother Nature is not so kind.

Normal Water or Lukewarm Water?

Use Lukewarm Water Before Shaving

As a general rule of thumb it is advised to use lukewarm water to dampen your face as it expands the pores and softens the hair follicles which make it easy to shave. But lukewarm water can dry out your skin and you don't want to wash away the natural oils in your skin that add the moisture you need during winter. However, you still need to expand your pores with lukewarm water. Here’s a hack to do this. Just splash some hot water on a damp towel for 10-20 seconds. This will still soften the hair follicles, expand the pores, and prepare the skin for the shave without stripping too much oil from your skin.

Note: Irrespective of your skin type always avoid using HOT water directly on your skin

Exfoliate Before You Shave

Exfoliate Before You Shave

As winter is infamous for making your skin more dry and flaky, most people think, exfoliating will only add to skin dryness, but the reality is totally opposite. With age our skin’s regeneration ability slows down, which makes your skin look more dull and lifeless. Exfoliating right before shaving helps wipe away a layer of dead skin cells and helps get your prevented nicks and cuts.

Note: It's best to exfoliate your skin once a week, anything more than once may dry out your skin.

Shaving Cream & Shaving Foam

Use Shaving Cream or Shaving Foam

It's best to go for cream or foam based products as they are better at moisturising your skin than water-based gel as a pre-shave product. Make sure your pre-shave product has Ingredients like Oats, Aloe Vera that have skin nourishing and moisturising properties. A good lather works as a protective barrier against sharp razors that come directly in contact with your skin. 

TIP: If by any chance you run out of your shaving cream or Shaving Foam, you can also use hair conditioner as it softens and conditions your hair and skin, making the process of shaving much smoother.

Choose You Razors Carefully

Use Sensitive On The Skin Razors

Shaving Razors can dry your skin and strip the natural oils from your skin, which makes it super important to keep the hydration in check while shaving. A razor with lubricating strips works best when dealing with dry and flaky winter skin. The reason why razors with lubricating strips are important is because of their skin nourishing properties. They are formulated with ingredients like aloe vera, and vitamin-e that heal your skin as you shave.

Other than that, go for a high-quality razor with adjustable head settings as it adapts to the contours of your face and gives you a smoother and safer shaving experience. Once you are done with the razor part, you need to understand the correct direction to shave. Feel it with your fingers and get an idea of how it grows on different parts of your face. Once you have an idea of the direction of your hair growth, all you need to do is to shave in the direction of your hair growth. To make it even better, or should we say safer, make sure to use a Beard Trimmer before shaving your beard.

Post-Shave Balm  

Post-Shave Balm

With a post-shave balm you can easily moisturise your skin and compensate for the moisture that was lost while you were shaving. Post-shave balms are denser and create a nutrient-rich barrier with skin nourishing properties. Not only do they soothe and nourish skin but also protect your skin from seasonal threats like dry air and cold wind, as well as things like bacteria.

Shave Before Going To Bed

Shave Before Going To Bed

When it comes to selecting the best time to shave, there is in fact a better time to shave. During winters, it's best to shave at night before going to bed, because during night skin rehydrates and your skin cells regenerate as you sleep. So, instead of Shaving in the morning and washing away the natural oil that keep moisture balance on your face, just cleanse your face with a gentle face cleanser followed by moisturiser Shaving before bed gives your time enough time to heal and rehydrate so that your skin looks fresh the next day.


To sum up....we can say that the effects of cold, crispy and dry air on your skin can have the similar  effect on your as dragging a sharp blade over your skin, as there is rapid expansion and contraction of your pores. So much work can take away life from your skin and make it look dull and dry. The above mentioned tips are some tried-and-tested tips to ensure your face looks healthy and radiant throughout the winters.

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