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How To Fix a Patchy Beard?

by Priyank Sharma 12 Jul 2024 0 Comments
How To Fix a Patchy Beard?


Forget the majestic ideal for now. The reality is, many men start their beard journey with frustrating patches. These uneven growth patterns can be discouraging, but fear not! There are ways to navigate this initial hurdle and achieve a beard you'll be proud of.

If you are wrestling with a patchy beard growth, move forward with the knowledge that it’s a very common complication affecting men of all ages. And surprisingly, several underlying issues could lead to a patchy beard that you aren’t probably aware of.

This comprehensive guide will assess all the causes behind patchy beards and explain how you can transform your patchy terrain into a flourishing landscape (literally!).

Understanding the Potential Triggers

Before we consider solutions, we need to understand the causes of patchiness. After all, how will you fix it if you don’t even know what’s causing it in the first place?

Following are a few triggers:

Genetics: Your beard's follicle density and growth patterns are heavily determined by genetics, and you might have a predisposition to them.

Hormonal imbalances: If you are diagnosed with hypothyroidism or low testosterone levels, that can disrupt healthy hair growth patterns, leading to patchiness.

Stress: When you are stressed, the body’s elevated cortisol levels put it in a survival mode, which inadvertently leads to slower and patchier beard growth.

Lifestyle habits: Poor habits like smoking can cause vasoconstriction (aka narrowing of the blood vessels), reducing blood flow to the hair follicles and leading to patchy beard growth.

How to Fix Patchy Beard Naturally at Home?

A few home remedies and proper lifestyle changes can significantly improve beard growth.

Optimising the beard’s growth environment

Not many realise this, but your overall health directly impacts your beard growth. So, you must create an environment where the hair follicles constituting your beard can thrive and grow without issues.

Start with your diet

Fixing your diet can fix more than half the issues. For luscious and fuller beard growth, your body needs a balance of nutrition, including protein, vitamins A, C, E, and B vitamins, especially biotin. So, try to include the foods that are enriched with these nutrients. Foods like eggs, fish, nuts, lean meats, leafy greens, berries, etc., can help.

Focus on your hydration

The amount of water you drink in a day might determine the quality of your beard growth. If your skin is dehydrated, it will directly affect the hair follicles in your beard, negatively impacting your hair growth. Hence, aim to drink an adequate amount of water throughout the day to keep your skin and hair follicles well-hydrated.

Improve lifestyle factors

Stress management and a proper sleep cycle with good sleep quality can also fix your complaints of patchy beard growth. When your body gets the time to repair and regenerate during sleep, it directly uplifts overall health, which, in turn, promotes beard growth. Additionally, proper stress management techniques like yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises can regulate your stress levels, further promoting fuller beard growth.

Prioritise Beard Care

Beyond the internal rejuvenation of improving lifestyle factors, external care of your beard is equally important. A proper beard care routine is thus quintessential for a healthy and fuller beard.

Here’s what you should prioritise:


Much like the hair on your scalp, your beard needs a proper cleansing routine throughout the day to eliminate dirt, sweat, and dead skin cells. Lack of timely cleansing leads to gunk and dirt clogging the hair follicles, impeding growth. You must opt for gentle and thorough cleansers for your beard that will clean it without stripping the natural oils that often leave the beard feeling dry and rough.


To take things a step further, consider using a beard conditioner or oil to nourish the hair, make your beard soft and manageable, and promote healthy growth. Surprisingly, the benefits of beard oil dig deeper because it nourishes the beard and the skin underneath. So, if you complain about itching and irritation on the skin underneath your beard, applying Good-Quality Beard Oil can fix that.


Tangled and unkempt beards are one of the most underrated reasons behind patchy and slow beard growth. When you don’t brush your beard often, you are indirectly preventing proper blood circulation and distribution of the natural oils, which negatively affects growth. Instead, brushing your beard stimulates blood circulation, promoting beard growth. Brushing can also help to redistribute hair, potentially making patchy areas less noticeable.

Trimming Tips to Follow for Patchy Beard

While patience is key, strategic trimming can enhance the appearance of your beard and minimise the appearance of patches.

Following are a few trimming tips:

  • If you like trimming your beard at home, the first step to a good session is to invest in a good-quality electric trimmer. Opt for one with adjustable guards for precise trimming and shaping.
  • Begin with a longer guard length and gradually shorten it until you are happy with the shape and appearance of the beard. This helps to avoid over-trimming, especially in patchy areas.
  • Trimming a patchy beard is about creating a defined shape that distracts from the bare spots and creates the illusion of a fuller beard. Let your beard grow for a while, ideally 8-12 weeks. This will give you enough hair to work with. Then, during the trimming process, focus on creating a clean outline and evening out the overall length.

Note: If you have tried all the remedies and trimming practices but have not seen any significant improvement, it is ideal to consult a dermatologist or a family physician to rule out any potential medical condition that could affect your hair growth in the body. Proper treatment could fix the issue and eventually improve beard growth.

Final Words

With dedication, patience, and also taking the right approach, you can transform your patchy plains into a flourishing beard landscape. While panicking about the lack of beard growth seems like a genuine first reaction, the key is to think rationally and approach the situation with proper knowledge and overall understanding. Sometimes, it could be your lifestyle, genetics, or hormones, and sometimes, it could be a lack of proper beard care. Either way, finding and implementing the right remedies could help with visible results in no time.

If you are considering creating a comprehensive beard care routine now? Visit Bombay Shaving Company to pick out all the essentials.


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