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8 ways to deal with body odour and sweat

by Faizaan Siddiqui 22 Sep 2023
8 Ways To Deal With Body Odour And Sweat

Hey, can you smell that? 

Hey, what’s that smell?

Followed by the awkward glances and eyes looking at you. That moment feels like every eye in the world is watching you and you know how bad you smell.

If so, you are not alone in this. Every person has a unique odour, but the moment sweat comes into the picture, it is a big turn-off for everyone around . 

This happens when the bacteria on your skin comes in contact with sweat, and hence the foul smell.

Major reasons behind this

Covers: Scientific Reasons + Lifestyle Choices + Clothing Choices And Your Diet

Body Odour

Sweat: Sweat is one of the biggest drivers of body odour in your body. Your body releases sweat as a method to cool down your body. When sweat mixes with bacteria that is sitting on your skin's surface, it can result in an unpleasant odour. Your body has sweat glands and the areas with more sweat glands like the armpits and groin are more prone to body odour.

Diet: Certain food makes your sweat smell even before it comes into contact with the bacteria on your body. So things like garlic, and sulphur-containing food lead to body odour. Another interesting aspect of this is that there are people who are born with genetic metabolic disorders which prevent them from digesting certain amino acids and when the by-product of those foods gets excreted by sweat you get 'Bad Odour'.

Hygiene: Bad hygiene routines like not having a bath regularly, not cleaning armpits and groin area, and wearing the same clothes over and over again can worsen this situation. This allows the bacteria to grow on your skin and leads to a stronger body odour.

Hormonal Changes: These changes are fluctuating, especially the changes that occur during puberty and menopause, which can increase sweating and alter the composition of sweat, making your body a more favourable place for bacteria to flourish.

Stress and Anxiety: Yes emotional stress or anxiety is also on this list. They stimulate the sweat glands of your body, and all this increases the chances of odour in your body.

Alcohol and Smoking: The consumption of alcohol and smoking affects the body significantly. Alcohol makes your body sweat more, while smoking can leave a stinking odour on the skin and on your breath.

Clothing: Wearing tight or non-breathable fabric traps sweat against the skin. This creates a favourable environment for bacteria to grow and produce more body odour.

Here’s how you deal with it

Covers: Ways And Methods To Fix This Condition For Good

Regular Shower

Regular Bathing: This one is painfully obvious but yeah, increase your bathing frequency if you're not frequently bathing. Go for an antibacterial soap with odour-fighting properties and pay special attention to the armpits, groin, and feet area.

Use Antiperspirant or Deodorant: Antiperspirants reduce sweating, while Deodorants mask your odour. Use it after you’re done bathing on your clean, dry skin, especially around the underarms.

Change Clothes Regularly: listen, it's not that difficult, change your clothes more frequently and if you’re planning to get new clothes go for the breathable ones. Go for more breathable fabrics like cotton or linen. The breathable fabrics help in better air circulation eventually reducing odour. Avoid tight-fitting clothes as they trap sweat and bacteria.

Maintain Good Foot Hygiene: You need to wash your feet daily. Follow a routine that involves washing feet regularly, and then drying them thoroughly. If you wish to take it to the next level sprinkle foot powder or use odour-fighting insoles.

Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water helps regulate body temperature and dilute the compounds that can make sweat smell stronger. The recommendation is 3-4 litres daily. Additionally, add electrolytes to your hydration plan to consume the necessary salts your body needs. Coconut is the best source for this. 

Dietary Changes: Stay away from foods that are known to increase the body odour such as garlic, onions, asparagus, and other spicy sulphur-rich foods. 

Alcohol and Smoking: limit alcohol and smoking consumption, as both contribute to body odour.

Use Fragrance-Free Products: Seems counter-intuitive but hear us out. Scented lotions, perfumes, or body washes, mix with body odour and create a new surprisingly unpleasant smell. Avoid doing that.

See A Doctor: If you have a sudden drastic change in your body odour and there is no change in your habits, no new medications, or if you can't figure out why you don't smell like you used to smell, consider taking a professional opinion. A doctor will examine your situation better and they will identify the reason why you have a body odour issue.


So, to wrap things up, when you deal with body odour, it boils down to a few things like good hygiene, diet, better lifestyle choices and a little self-awareness. Since you've read so far you know the drill - shower regularly, get an antiperspirant and wear fresh clothes with breathable fabrics. 

So, stay fresh and healthy!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What are the natural ways to combat body odour?

A. You can use lemon juice or alum on the areas where you feel your body produces the most odour. Incorporating these in your routine can help neutralise odour. But, make sure you do not have any nicks or cuts in those areas. Even the slightest cut will be painful if you use any of it there.

Q. Should I shower more often to prevent body odour?

A. When facing extreme body odour conditions, you should shower twice daily. Especially after a workout or sweating, to remove sweat and bacteria.

Q. Can excessive use of deodorants or antiperspirants be harmful to my health?

A. Deodorants and antiperspirants are safe, but excessive use may lead to skin irritation. The skin might act up if you have sensitive skin.

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