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5 Things to do to Surprise Your Partner this Valentine's Day

by Siddharth Joshi 17 Jan 2023
Valentine's day

Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and if you're looking for a way to surprise the special man in your life with a Valentine’s day gift, you've come to the right place! First things first, let's talk about what not to do. Don't just give him a boring gift like a new tie or a box of chocolates. Those gifts are too predictable and show that you haven’t put much thought into it. 

Instead, think outside the box and get creative! Easier said than done, right? Well, you’re in luck because we’ve already picked our brains on this and here’s a ready-made DIY list of things that you can do, depending on what kind of chemistry and interests the two of you share. Read on for quirky gift ideas that are sure to surprise and delight your partner on Valentine's Day that also double up as the perfect activities that you can do together to celebrate your love.

A "Couple's Activities" Gift Basket 

Spice things up and create lasting memories together with an adventure for two. Start by gathering a basket and fill it with all essentials for an exciting day out. This could include a picnic blanket, a sunscreen lotion, matching water bottles and some easy snacks like sandwiches. Thanks to the weather around Valentine’s Day the sweet outdoors will allow you a good time both in the sun and under the shade of a tree. So, take a hike, go on a biking trail or simply go sit in the park and play fun games for two… 

Wondering what games to play with your husband or boyfriend this Valentine's Day? Here’s our top 10 list:

1. Two Truths and a Lie: Take turns sharing three statements about yourself, with one of them being a lie. Your partner must try to guess which statement is the lie.

2. Would You Rather: Take turns asking each other hypothetical "Would You Rather" questions, such as "Would you rather travel to the past or the future?" or "Would you rather have a million dollars or true love?"

3. The Question Game: One person starts by asking a question, any question, and then the next person must answer it and come up with a question of their own. This can be a fun way to learn more about each other and have some interesting conversations.

4. Never Have I Ever: Take turns making statements starting with "Never have I ever...", such as "Never have I ever skydived." Anyone who has done the thing mentioned must put a finger down. The one who loses all their fingers first, loses the game.

5. The Story Game: One person starts a story with a few sentences and then the other person continues it. The story can be fiction or non-fiction, but it should be something that both people are interested in.

6. The Name Game: One person thinks of a celebrity or fictional character, and then the other person must ask yes or no questions to figure out who it is.

7. The Word Association Game: One person says a word and the next person must say the first word that comes to mind. The game continues until one person can't think of a word.

8. The Debate Game: Choose a topic you both are passionate about and debate the pros and cons. The goal is to convince the other person to see your point of view.

9. The Memory Game: One person says a word, and then the next person must say a word that's associated with the previous word. The game continues until one person can't think of a word.

10. The Drawing Game: One person draws a picture or a simple shape and the next person must add to the drawing. The goal is to see how the drawing evolves and to have fun with it.

A "Memory Lane" Gift

Creating a memory-lane Gift for Your Husband/boyfriend is a thoughtful and sentimental way to show him how much you care. But what’s even more special is to do it together, so that not just you but the both of you reminisce about your past together and celebrate your love for each other. Here’s what you gotta do…

Step 1: Gather mementos and memories from your past together

These could be anything from photographs, love letters, or even small trinkets that hold special meaning. Look through your old albums (both physical and digital), scrapbooks, and keepsake boxes to find items that you can include in your gift.

Step 2: Create a Theme For Your Gift

You could make a timeline of your relationship, showcasing the different milestones and memories that you’ve shared together or create a memory scrapbook with pictures and souvenirs from special trips or occasions. 

Step 3: Build and Personalise Your Gift 

Use a wooden box and put your respective mementos/memories into the box that you’ve gathered. Alternatively, create a photo album or a memory wall in your house with a collage of your memories together. This could be a great way to create a focal point in your bedroom or living room.

A "Couple’s DIY Skincare" Gift

Having a DIY skincare day at home with your husband/boyfriend can be a fun and relaxing way to spend time together on Valentine's Day, while also taking care of your skin. Just follow the steps and have fun:

Step 1: Plan Ahead

Before you begin, make sure to plan ahead and gather all the materials and ingredients you will need. This could include things like facial kits, herbs and fruits. You can either find recipes and tutorials online or simply order one online to save time and focus on the activity instead.

Order Skin Detox Charcoal Facial Kit from Bombay Shaving Company to escape from toxic impurities and embrace healthy skin. 

Order Coffee Detan Facial Kit from Bombay Shaving Company that’s crafted from the highest-quality coffee beans handpicked from the valleys of Coorg.

Step 2: Set the mood

To make the experience more relaxing, you can set the mood by lighting candles, playing soft music, and making sure the room is clean and comfortable. You can also prepare a light snack and drinks to enjoy while you work.

Step 3: Have Fun With The Regimen

Once everything is ready, follow the instructions for application. This can include cleansing your face, exfoliating, using a mask and moisturising. You can take turns applying the products on each other or you can do it together. While the products are working, relax and enjoy each other’s company or simply spend time watching a movie or listening to music.

Step 4: Take Selfies!

Take some silly or romantic selfies together to remember the night, and to show off your radiant skin!

A "Couple's Cooking Class" gift 

Give your partner a cooking class experience. This could be a fun and interactive way for the two of you to bond over and learn new cooking skills together. Look for classes that focus on a cuisine or a type of food that you both love. Preparing food together can create memories that will last a lifetime and bring back memories of the class every time you will cook that dish in future. 

A "Movies Night" gift

If your husband or boyfriend is a movie buff, surprise him with a movie night gift this Valentine’s Day. This can be an elaborately planned activity with multiple options to choose from. Here are a few options you could try individually or combine two of them for a more wholesome experience:

Movie Theatre Gift Card: Give him a gift card to a theatre that you both love. This way he can pick a movie he wants to watch and you can enjoy a night out together. 

Movie Night In: If you guys like watching movies at home, plan a movie night in. Set up a cozy area in your living room with comfortable seating and blankets. Make some popcorn and other snacks, and choose a movie that you both enjoy. Don’t forget to add some drama and slip him a note inviting him for a movie night at home.

Movie-themed gift box: You can also give him a movie-themed gift box that contains a combination of items such as a t-shirt, a mug, a blanket or other such memorabilia of his favourite film, followed by watching it together. 


Whether you plan a romantic night out, a cozy movie night at home or a fun-filled cooking class, the key is to put thought and effort into the planning. A well-planned Valentine’s Day can be a wonderful way to strengthen your relationship and create lasting memories. Remember that the most important thing is to make sure your partner feels loved and special. So, put your creativity to work and plan a day that he will never forget. Happy Valentine's Day!


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