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This Is How You Control Oily Skin

by Faizaan Siddiqui 04 Oct 2023
This Is How You Control Oily Skin


The skin of men is about 20-25 percent thicker than female skin. It contains more collagen.

Their sebaceous glands are much larger so the sebum production is double in men when compared to women. 

Hence, men have OILY SKIN, or at least skin that is oilier than women.

What Is Oily Skin

Skin is said to be oily when it gives a greasy appearance with a film of oil covering its outer layer. Other symptoms may also include clogged pores, pimples and roughness. Honestly, of all the skin types, this is the most frustrating one because it makes your appearance dull and tired. 

The most common cause for this is the excess production of sebum by the lower layers of the skin, or the sebaceous glands that cause the outer layer to expand in size and ooze all the excess production out. 

SEBUM: Wax-like substance made of oil and fats that protects and hydrates the skin. 

Sebum is produced by the sebaceous glands present within your skin all over your body, except your palms and soles, which is why you don’t see them getting greasy at all. These glands are active from the time of your birth and increase as you age. But hey, sebum is not a villain in your skin story, it has a crucial role in your body. 

It protects your skin and hair from moisture loss. The problem starts when you see its production in excess. When this happens, it clogs up your pores due to the fat being pushed out of them and this leads to the skin looking oily. This also increases the chances of acne breakouts.

What Makes The Skin Of Men Oily

Oily Skin

Let’s look at a few factors that make your skin more oily than it should be:

DHT - Dihydrotestosterone

Your sebaceous glands are very sensitive to androgens like testosterone. When the levels of these androgens increase in your blood they tend to bind to the sebaceous glands and leave a greasy effect that we call oily skin. \

That’s why both men and women tend to have oilier (and more acne-prone) skin when they hit puberty. As you grow older and the hormones reach an equilibrium this problem gets fixed automatically.

But when the male sex hormone, testosterone converts into DHT or Dihydrotestosterone at a later age, it forces the sebaceous glands to once again produce more sebum, influencing the oil levels in your skin, resulting in OILY SKIN. 

UV Rays

When your skin is overexposed to the UV rays, you experience a surge in oil production in your skin as a second step.

It's fascinating to see that sun rays make your skin dry at first for a short time, in response to which the skin reacts by triggering the sebaceous glands to protect it from the ultraviolet rays and produces more oil to re-hydrate the skin. 

Weather Conditions

Of course! Changes in weather conditions have a direct impact on your skin. If you live in places with high humidity, chances are high that you will have oily skin.

Also, sudden changes in humidity cause the skin to produce more oil to balance it out. That’s why people who travel a lot and expose their skin to these changes in the weather conditions tend to have oilier skin and experience more acne breakouts. 

3 Effortless Ways to Control Oily Skin

Washing your face TWICE a day

Wash your face

Cleaning your skin is one of the most crucial steps of your skincare routine. This is the most simple thing you can do to keep your skin healthy and glowing. 

Clean your face twice a day. Doing this will not only help your skin get rid of impurities, dirt, and excess oil, but this will avoid pores clogging.

Make sure you find a cleanser that suits your skin well. 

If you don’t have an idea what kind of cleanser to go for you can opt for Charcoal FaceWash for its oil-control properties that clean excess sebum, prevent acne, and manage breakouts. 

These cleansers balance the pH level of your skin. This ensures that enough dirt is removed from the surface of your skin, and this balances the natural oils of your skin appropriately.

Moisturise DAILY

Mositurise Daily

Irrespective of your skin type, moisturisation is non-negotiable. 

Moisturisers keep your skin hydrated by introducing a fresh dose of moisture to the skin and preventing further water loss from the top layer of your skin. 

When it comes to oily skin, the best kind of moisturiser that you can go for is an oil-free and water-based moisturiser. Make sure the product you use is non-comedogenic.

Non-comedogenic: products that get absorbed on your skin easily rather than stay on the surface blocking your pores 

Exfoliate Once (or twice) A Week 

Exfoliation removes a layer of dead skin cells from the surface and gives your skin a healthy, fresh, and youthful appearance. 

Go for a Coffee Face Scrub as it helps you freshen up your skin, clear the bacteria on the surface, and unclog your pores from oil and product build-up.

Ideally, start with exfoliating your skin once to twice a week, depending on how oily your skin is and how exposed it stays to environmental aggressors. You might be tempted to exfoliate more to clear the oil on your skin but don't go overboard as it can make your skin dry. Go gentle while using the exfoliator on your skin.

5 Rules To Manage Oily Skin

  • Avoid hot showers
  • Go for light and non-greasy moisturisers.
  • Avoid scrubbing your face too hard, as doing this damages your skin’s protective layer and makes your skin dehydrated.
  • Use non-comedogenic products to avoid acne.
  • Add foods with Vitamin C-rich foods and green veggies to your diet.


To sum up, we agree oily skin feels quite hard to manage. But with the right mix of products and routine you can control the excess oil situation. Use products like blotting papers and wet wipes to remove excess oil on your skin during the day. If nothing works, you know it's time to see a dermatologist and get yourself checked. 

Additionally, hormonal changes or high-stress levels may also increase the production of sebum, so yeah, try getting control over the things that trigger stress in your body.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How do I manage oily skin during the day?

A. First of all, avoid touching your skin with your hands and get some oil-absorbing wipes to remove the excess oil from your skin. Then you can wash your face with plain frequently and even use ice water for a squeaky-clean feel.

Q. Is it possible to have combination skin, where some areas are oily, and others are dry?

A. Yes, combination skin is the most common among guys and there are ways to manage it. For those who don’t know they have it, if you observe your forehead and nose area to be more oily than other parts of the face, then you have an oily T-zone of simply combination skin. You can use a Charcoal Peel-Off Mask to get rid of the excess oil in this area. 

T-Zone of the face

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